Delicious in Dungeon Wiki

Porridge is the fifteenth chapter of the Delicious in Dungeon manga.


Corpse Retrievers find Kabru and his group, realizing they are not dead, but just paralyzed. They heal them, but act if they had revived them. Kabru's group wonders where their money went, but the Corpse Retrievers explain they don't know anything and that they were just lined to the wall. Seeing hair around their hands, they realize its to ward off ghosts and Kuro smells Laios' group. They follow the scent to the fourth floor lake and decide to cross it. They defeat multiple monsters while crossing it, however at one point Kuro starts to act strange. They hear a song and realize its Mermaids, so they cover their ears to not hear their songs. As they progress, they end up picked one by one from behind, until only Rin and Kabru are left.

Meanwhile, Laios' group hasn't made much of progress, as magic doesn't work properly on Senshi and he also wants to take all of the Kelpie's meat. Laios sees something in the water and he and Chilchuck go to check it out. They find grains and bodies, and recognize them from the ones on the third floor.[2] They realize they were attacked by Mermen and then hear Mermaid songs, but Laios starts singing and that scares the Mermaids. They place Kabru's group's bodies on a solid ground and hope that the Corpse Retrievers will find them.

Laios gathers some food provisions, but Chilchuck stops him from taking the merman even though Laios explains its closer to fish than human. Returning to camp, Laios prepares some food and uses water-weed that was growing on the Merman head as he convinces Chilchuck its unrelated to the Merman. He shares the food with the rest and Marcille is surprised that something pops in her mouth and Senshi guesses its fish eggs. Chilchuck realizes thats Merman's eggs and asks Laios if he knew that the Merman keep their eggs on the water-weed to protect it, but Laios denies it. As the others enjoy the food, he decides to keep quiet and also eats it.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]




  1. Harta Volume 25. Retrieved March 7th 2023.
  2. Delicious in Dungeon Manga: Chapter 10

Site Navigation[]

Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 1234567Miscellaneous Monster Tales -1-
Volume 2 891011121314Miscellaneous Monster Tales -2-
Volume 3 15161718192021Miscellaneous Monster Tales -3-
Volume 4 22232425262728Miscellaneous Monster Tales -4-
Volume 5 29303132333435Miscellaneous Monster Tales -5-
Volume 6 36373839404142Miscellaneous Monster Tales -6-
Volume 7 43444546474849Miscellaneous Monster Tales -7-
Volume 8 50515253545556Miscellaneous Monster Tales -8-
Volume 9 575859606162Miscellaneous Monster Tales -9-
Volume 10 63646566676869Miscellaneous Monster Tales -10-
Volume 11 70717273747576Miscellaneous Monster Tales -11-
Volume 12 777879808182838485Miscellaneous Monster Tales -12-
Volume 13 868788899091Miscellaneous Monster Tales -13-
Volume 14 929394959697Miscellaneous Monster Tales -14-
Chapters and Story Arcs
Introduction Arc 1
Second Floor Arc 234567
Third Floor Arc 89
Fourth Floor Arc 10111213141516171819202122
Red Dragon Arc 23242526272829
Fifth Floor Arc 303132333435363738
Sixth Floor Arc 3940414243444546474849505152
First Floor Interlude Arc 535455
Dwarf City Ruins Arc 56575859606162
Lunatic Magician's House Arc 6364656667
Thistle Arc 6869707172
New Dungeon Lord Arc 73747576777879808182838485
Winged Lion Arc 868788899091
Falin Arc 929394959697