Delicious in Dungeon Wiki

Tentacles is the nineteenth chapter of the Delicious in Dungeon manga.


As Laios’ Party prepares a meal, they are unexpectedly encountered by Namari’s group. Marcille weakly scolds Namari for leaving the party, causing Namari to become both worried and defensive.

Laios then attempts to persuade Tansu to heal Marcille, but he refuses, citing the lack of a worthwhile offer. Before departing, Laios tries to warn them about the Undine.

Tansu underestimates the Undine's wrath and uses Namari as a shield, resulting in her death from a headshot. A concerned Kaka and Kiki rush them back to camp.

Upon returning, Tansu resurrects Namari, who is angered by being used as a shield. Tansu remains indifferent, while Senshi expresses discomfort with resurrection, leading Tansu to share his theory that death is prohibited in the dungeon.

Tansu offers to heal Marcille if Laios’ Party assists him in taking measurements in the current tower and the adjacent one.

Laios, Senshi, Namari, Tansu, Kaka, and Kiki descend into the basement, where Tansu encounters indecipherable elven script and walls covered in roots. Laios briefly receives criticism from Namari about his weapon choices but notices his sword reacting to a nearby monster.

Despite Laios' warning, Tansu orders Kiki to provoke the monster by shooting it with her crossbow. She is immediately snatched into the air and killed by a Tentaculus, horrifying her father.

Laios borrows Senshi’s helmet and allows himself to be grabbed to cut down Kiki’s crossbow. Senshi retrieves it and passes it to Namari, who defeats the monster with a single shot.

After returning to camp, the party tries tentacles while waiting for Tansu to finish healing Kiki. He then begins to heal the rest of the party, starting with Marcille.

Although Marcille thanks Namari for her help, tension still exists between them. However, when Laios attempts to mediate, both girls, along with Chilchuck, criticize his relaxed demeanor.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]




Site Navigation[]

Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 1234567Miscellaneous Monster Tales -1-
Volume 2 891011121314Miscellaneous Monster Tales -2-
Volume 3 15161718192021Miscellaneous Monster Tales -3-
Volume 4 22232425262728Miscellaneous Monster Tales -4-
Volume 5 29303132333435Miscellaneous Monster Tales -5-
Volume 6 36373839404142Miscellaneous Monster Tales -6-
Volume 7 43444546474849Miscellaneous Monster Tales -7-
Volume 8 50515253545556Miscellaneous Monster Tales -8-
Volume 9 575859606162Miscellaneous Monster Tales -9-
Volume 10 63646566676869Miscellaneous Monster Tales -10-
Volume 11 70717273747576Miscellaneous Monster Tales -11-
Volume 12 777879808182838485Miscellaneous Monster Tales -12-
Volume 13 868788899091Miscellaneous Monster Tales -13-
Volume 14 929394959697Miscellaneous Monster Tales -14-
Chapters and Story Arcs
Introduction Arc 1
Second Floor Arc 234567
Third Floor Arc 89
Fourth Floor Arc 10111213141516171819202122
Red Dragon Arc 23242526272829
Fifth Floor Arc 303132333435363738
Sixth Floor Arc 3940414243444546474849505152
First Floor Interlude Arc 535455
Dwarf City Ruins Arc 56575859606162
Lunatic Magician's House Arc 6364656667
Thistle Arc 6869707172
New Dungeon Lord Arc 73747576777879808182838485
Winged Lion Arc 868788899091
Falin Arc 929394959697