Delicious in Dungeon Wiki
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Nightmare is the forty-second chapter of the manga Delicious in Dungeon.


Marcille has a nightmare due to a monster that causes them. Laios goes into Marcille's dream in order to let her know that she's dreaming. In her dream, Marcille is a child, and she is chased by a large entity that represents her fear of the people she loves passing away early.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]




Site Navigation[]

Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 1234567Miscellaneous Monster Tales -1-
Volume 2 891011121314Miscellaneous Monster Tales -2-
Volume 3 15161718192021Miscellaneous Monster Tales -3-
Volume 4 22232425262728Miscellaneous Monster Tales -4-
Volume 5 29303132333435Miscellaneous Monster Tales -5-
Volume 6 36373839404142Miscellaneous Monster Tales -6-
Volume 7 43444546474849Miscellaneous Monster Tales -7-
Volume 8 50515253545556Miscellaneous Monster Tales -8-
Volume 9 575859606162Miscellaneous Monster Tales -9-
Volume 10 63646566676869Miscellaneous Monster Tales -10-
Volume 11 70717273747576Miscellaneous Monster Tales -11-
Volume 12 777879808182838485Miscellaneous Monster Tales -12-
Volume 13 868788899091Miscellaneous Monster Tales -13-
Volume 14 929394959697Miscellaneous Monster Tales -14-
Chapters and Story Arcs
Introduction Arc 1
Second Floor Arc 234567
Third Floor Arc 89
Fourth Floor Arc 10111213141516171819202122
Red Dragon Arc 23242526272829
Fifth Floor Arc 303132333435363738
Sixth Floor Arc 3940414243444546474849505152
First Floor Interlude Arc 535455
Dwarf City Ruins Arc 56575859606162
Lunatic Magician's House Arc 6364656667
Thistle Arc 6869707172
New Dungeon Lord Arc 73747576777879808182838485
Winged Lion Arc 868788899091
Falin Arc 929394959697