Delicious in Dungeon Wiki
Delicious in Dungeon Wiki

Griffin/Familiars (グリフィン/使い魔Gurifin/Tsukaima?) is the twenty-second episode of the Delicious in Dungeon TV anime series.


The party gets lost in a picturesque village that doesn't look like the dungeon. They spend a moment of peace and quiet. Yaad, the ruler of the village, begins to tell the story of how an elf boy named Thistle came to be known as the mad magician. Thistle's strong desire to protect the people he cares about is hidden in his story.[1]


Yaad reveals Thistle, the sorcerer, was originally the court jester for Delgal's father but Delgal encouraged him to study magic until he became Royal Magician. Laios still wishes to talk with Thistle so Yaad advises the party to free the winged lion. Once they leave, Thistle furiously confronts Yaad. The party return to the dungeon where they are attacked by a griffin, which Senshi surprisingly has a phobia of, and his attempt to escape causes it to carry him away. While Marcille summons familiars to track him, Chilchuck becomes curious after he realizes there are various inconsistencies concerning Senshi. The familiars knock the griffin to the ground where Laios kills it, saving Senshi. As the familiars were made from their food supplies, Laios wastes no time and cooks them, angering Marcille. Meanwhile, Senshi refuses to butcher the griffin. In an effort to learn about him, Chilchuck reveals more about himself, including that he actually has a family he has not seen in years. In turn, Senshi reveals that in his youth, he was a miner and one day his crew accidentally found the Golden Castle, making them the very first people to enter the dungeon.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]




Episode Previews[]


Staff Illustrations[]



  1. Episode 22 Synopsis, Delicious in Dungeon Official Website

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Episodes and Seasons
Season 1 123456789101112131415161718192021222324
Season 2
Episodes and Story Arcs
Introduction Arc 1
Second Floor Arc 123
Third Floor Arc 4
Fourth Floor Arc 5678910
Red Dragon Arc 10111213
Fifth Floor Arc 1314151617
Sixth Floor Arc 18192021222324