Delicious in Dungeon Wiki
Delicious in Dungeon Wiki

Tentacles/Stew (テンタクルス/シチュー Tentakurusu/Shichū?) is the ninth episode of the Delicious in Dungeon TV anime series.


Wounded in the battle with Undine, Marcille is depleted of both blood and mana. As the group recovers from their injuries with Grilled Kelpie, they are visited by a party of Mr. and Mrs. Tansu, escorted by their former comrade Namari. Accepting Mr. Tansu's offer to treat Marcille if he helps with the investigation as an escort, Laios and his friends decide to accompany Mr. Tansu on his investigation.[1]


The party consists of gnome researchers Mr. and Mrs. Tansu, bodyguards Kaka and Kiki, and female dwarf Namari. Marcille is unhappy as Namari is one of their party members who quit. The Tansu’s arrogantly assume the Undine won’t attack them, resulting in Namari’s death. After resurrecting her Mr. Tansu’s further impatience gets Kiki attacked by a Tentacles monster, requiring Laios, Senshi and Namari to save her. Senshi discovers tentacle pairs well with vinegar. As it will take a week for the Undine to calm down the Tansu’s decide to return to the surface. Laios tries to send Marcille with them as she is out of magic. Marcille refuses and tries to recruit Namari, but Namari is forced to refuse for financial reasons. To recover her magic Marcille decides she must eat the Undine. Sensh offers his cooking pot and lid as two shields, which Namari realises are forged from Adamant, a metal stronger than dragon bone. Namari and Senshi trap the Undine in the pot and kill it by boiling it, after which Marcille turns it into a Kelpie and Tentacles stew which even the Tansu’s enjoy. Before departing Laios asks Namari about the other former member Shuro. Namari hasn’t seen him but as he is in love with Falin she is sure he is also trying to rescue her. Laios is shocked as he had no idea Shuro loved Falin, despite it being obvious to everyone else.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]




Episode Previews[]


Staff Illustrations[]



  1. Episode 9 Synopsis, Delicious in Dungeon Official Website

Site Navigation[]

Episodes and Seasons
Season 1 123456789101112131415161718192021222324
Season 2
Episodes and Story Arcs
Introduction Arc 1
Second Floor Arc 123
Third Floor Arc 4
Fourth Floor Arc 5678910
Red Dragon Arc 10111213
Fifth Floor Arc 1314151617
Sixth Floor Arc 18192021222324